
What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?  - Science class 8

Question-What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?  - Science class 8 class 8 Crop Production and Management with solution questions answer. All ncert questions Answers for class 8 subject Science chapter Crop Production and Management and topic Short Answer Type-ll

What is crop rotation? What is its advantage? 

Question 1. Asked on :30 August 2023:02:51:27 AM

What is crop rotation? What is its advantage? 

Science » Crop Production and Management » Short Answer Type-ll -Added by Manisha Kumari


Answer by: Manisha Kumari


 The crop rotation is replenishment of soil with nutrients by avoiding the cultivation of the same crop year after year. It can be done by growing another crop alternately. 

-Answered by Manisha Kumari On 09 December 2022:08:39:57 PM (22974 Average Rating Based on rating)


What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?  - Science class 8

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What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?  - Science class 8

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